
Setting the table

It makes sense when putting together the elements of an event like a wedding that you want your guests to be comfortable because comfortable guests are happy guests, and happy guests don't leave right after dinner. I don't care if I flub my vows or lose my footing going down the aisle. I could even stand to dribble wine on my beloved dress (note to self: white wine only!), but I would be heartbroken if, after all these months of planning and organizing, everyone left early.
So following the logic that happy guests are also comfortable, we have made sure that the drinks will be flowing and the dinner will be delicious. Moreover, the room won't be too crowded and the chairs provided are remarkably comfortable. So what else is there to consider when making 100 or so people feel comfortable for an evening?
When I think of the last 4 weddings I have attended, one of the yet unmentioned things that always stick with me is the tables. As a guest you spend most of your time there or on the dance floor. Even if you get up and mingle, you inevitably end up pulling up a chair to a table even if it is not the one you were assigned to.
In this way, it makes sense to invest some time and thought into the aesthetics of the tables. Not only will they help carry through your colour scheme or theme, but they make pretty backdrops, and provide opportunities to be creative with decorating.
Here are some looks I'm liking that would look great in our black and white (with red) scheme:


  1. i love that first one! so different from the norm, but still elegant.

    i'm looking forward to your wedding having the perfect blend of class and whimsy.


  2. thanks jana! that's definitely the chord we are trying to strike. i suppose we'll have to get together some day soon, huh? how is the time slipping by so soon? let's talk and make some plans. If you still have some weekends available this summer we should get the E-shoot done!
