
Soft focus

The veil. Is there anything more iconic of a bride?

I have heard that many women don't feel like a bride, or have the serious reality check that it's actually happening, until they see themselves in a veil. The dress is one thing, but topping your head with a yard or two of something soft and gauzy can be more than enough to open the flood gates and leave you teary, gazing at your own face in the misty soft focus that only a whispered halo of tulle can produce.

Alas, I did not have this "moment". I'm not bitter about it, but admittedly, I was looking forward to the usual swoon. I did, however, have that throat tightening gasp of excitement when I saw a veil placed upon my best friend Janna's head. It was quite amazing how transforming the veil was. She had just found THE dress (it was perfect, gorgeous, amazing, etc.) but that veil. Man, oh man. All of a sudden she looked the part, completely.

Later that same day, I too found my dress. I too tried on a veil or two. Alas, it was all wrong. Not just because they didn't suit the dress, but they didn't suit me.
What on Janna had looked feminine and delicate, fit for a princess, on me looked awkward, clownish and out of place. Luckily, I have no particularly vested interest long flowing veils. I do, however, happen to love [love!] birdcage veils like these ones.

I have yet to try one on (birdcage), so I am not sure if they work on me, but there is something cute and classic about them. Despite the unfortunate history of the wedding veil,(here you'll find a brief description of that history) I have fingers crossed that I like the way they look on as much as I like them on other people and in photos. I have done some research on how to DIY a birdcage veil and it seems easy enough. Perhaps I will try crafting one and post the results of my attempts here. More on that later!

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