

Wikipedia's entry on weddings discusses the 'something old, something new ...' poem:
A modern tradition is for brides to wear or carry "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" during the service. It is considered good luck to do so. Often the bride attempts to have one item that meets all of these qualifications, such as a borrowed blue handkerchief which is "new to her" but loaned by her grandmother (thus making it old). Another addition to this custom is to wear a penny in your shoe, this will bring you prosperity.
The full text of the verse is:
Something old, something new,
Something borrowed, something blue,
And silver sixpence in your shoe

Weddings, sure like many rites of passage, comes loaded with lore and superstition. I don't personally prescribe to superstition, usually, but I figure on one's wedding day you can't be too careful. Not only am I not sure what I will use as these talismans, but I'm not sure about the etiquette and I'm having a hard time finding answers. Can you request the borrowed piece? Or does it have to be voluntarily loaned to you? How old is "old"? I have blue eyes, does that count?

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to shove the Smurfs DVD set into my dress, I think that fits all the categories! (I will borrow it from Travis)
